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Messages - modernrocko

Tab Requests / Re: old old PC/Amiga tabs
June 28, 2007, 08:08:07 PM
oh, I didn't mean to offend anyone or act elitist or anything, it's just that it wasn't a very popular game except on the amiga, and I'm finding that other amiga gamers are hard to find now-a-days  :D

if you want, I could send you the tab of the indoors theme, or at least what I've got of it.  it's not perfect but it's fun to play, anyway!  I also have a bit of the intro theme figured out, up to the part where it gets all crazy fast.

also if you want the songs from the game in mp3 format, let me know, I can send them your way.  recorded them through the winuae amiga emulator.
Video Game Jam / Re: The Power of Powertab....
June 27, 2007, 05:37:35 PM
I use TablEdit for importing midis and tabbing things out.  with the free version you can't save tabs that are longer than four bars or something, though, but it doesn't really matter since you can keep the tab open as long as you want.  if you need to check the tab again later, just import it again and you're good to go, takes two seconds.
I just use a simple ol' Epiphone AJ-1 acoustic.  it really isn't that fancy, but it has a great sound and it's easy enough to play.  I have a Peavey (Generation EXP) electric, too, but I just don't use it quite as much as my Eppy.  I've only been playing for about seven years though, so maybe I'll eventually make the switch to electric.  I just prefer the sound of an acoustic to an amp, with or without effects.

I'm just a simple guy with simple tastes  :D
Video Games / Re: Time for Gaming
June 27, 2007, 05:10:41 PM
yeah, I know the feeling.  I think the older we get, the more we feel we have to be responsible and clearly, videogames aren't exactly required to pay the bills or feed the kids, so they get pushed further and further out of our lives until we play maybe once every three or four days, or once a week.  blegh.

it's kind of nice being in an online FPS clan, though.  if I don't get on often enough, they start nagging me until I give in and force myself to get addicted again.  I am a slave to BF2142.
I would highly agree on the Chrono Cross soundtrack, that game has an amazing score.  I play guitar, so I guess that was the thing that hooked me the most, because they use acoustic guitars in several of the songs.

the FF Tactics music was also great.  I bought the soundtrack years ago and used to listen to it on repeat when I worked third shift receptionist at a local hotel.  so good.

Ultima 8: Pagan incorporated really creepy atmospheric music to set the tone of the game.  Even the combat music sounds unnerving, because most of the time you're fighting undead or unnatural things.  that game used to creep the crap out of me back in the day.

and as for creepy background music, it doesn't really get much creepier than the Silent Hill music.  SH2 has, in my opinion, the best soundtrack of all three.  Akira Yamaoka is a genius.

there was more, but I don't rememeber it all.  ha.
Tab Requests / old old PC/Amiga tabs
June 27, 2007, 04:48:32 PM
anyone remember the game Faery Tale Adventure?  probably not, but if anyone has it or has music for it and is able to tab anything out, that would be awesome.  I tabbed out a version of the Indoors theme which I can submit, but it's not complete as it's only the melody and I'm still working on the bassline for it.

also, anyone have tabs of old LucasArts or Sierra games?  like any of the Monkey Island games, or Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, or Quest for Glory/Hero's Quest, etc....